Source code for firebird.driver.interfaces

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present The Firebird Projects <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# PROGRAM/MODULE: firebird-driver
# FILE:           firebird/driver/
# DESCRIPTION:    Interface wrappers for Firebird new API
# CREATED:        11.6.2020
# The contents of this file are subject to the MIT License
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Firebird Project (
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Pavel Císař (original code)
#                 ______________________________________
# pylint: disable=C0302, W0212, R0902, R0912,R0913, R0914, R0915, R0904

"""firebird-driver - Interface wrappers for Firebird new API

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Any, Optional, ByteString
import sys
import threading
import datetime
from warnings import warn
from contextlib import suppress
from ctypes import memmove, memset, create_string_buffer, cast, byref, string_at, sizeof, \
     c_char_p, c_void_p, c_byte, c_ulong
from .types import Error, DatabaseError, InterfaceError, FirebirdWarning, BCD, \
     StateResult, DirectoryCode, BlobInfoCode, SQLDataType, XpbKind, \
     StatementType, StateFlag, CursorFlag, StatementFlag, PreparePrefetchFlag, get_timezone
from . import fbapi as a
from .hooks import APIHook, add_hook

# Internal
_master = None
_util = None
_thns = threading.local()

# Info structural codes
isc_info_end = 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interface wrappers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class iVersionedMeta(type): """Metaclass for iVersioned interfaces. This metaclass uses MRO to instantiate wrapper interface with version that matches version of wrapped interface. """ def __call__(cls: iVersioned, intf): v = intf.contents.vtable.contents.version for c in cls.__mro__: if getattr(c, 'VERSION', 0) <= v: result = super(iVersionedMeta, iVersionedMeta).__call__(c, intf) #print(f"{result.__class__.__name__}.{getattr(c, 'VERSION', 0)}") return result #return super(iVersionedMeta, iVersionedMeta).__call__(c, intf) return None
# IVersioned(1)
[docs] class iVersioned(metaclass=iVersionedMeta): "IVersioned interface wrapper" VERSION = 1 def __init__(self, intf): self._as_parameter_ = intf if intf and self.vtable.version < self.VERSION: # pragma: no cover raise InterfaceError(f"Wrong interface version {self.vtable.version}, expected {self.VERSION}") def __report(self, cls: Union[Error, FirebirdWarning], vector_ptr: a.ISC_STATUS_ARRAY_PTR) -> None: msg = _util.format_status(self.status) sqlstate = create_string_buffer(6) a.api.fb_sqlstate(sqlstate, vector_ptr) i = 0 gds_codes = [] sqlcode = a.api.isc_sqlcode(vector_ptr) while vector_ptr[i] != 0: if vector_ptr[i] == 1: i += 1 if (vector_ptr[i] & 0x14000000) == 0x14000000: gds_codes.append(vector_ptr[i]) if (vector_ptr[i] == 335544436) and (vector_ptr[i + 1] == 4): i += 2 sqlcode = vector_ptr[i] i += 1 # We need to clean up the iStatus before returning self.status.init() return cls(msg, sqlstate=sqlstate.value.decode(), gds_codes=tuple(gds_codes), sqlcode=sqlcode,) def _check(self) -> None: state = self.status.get_state() if StateFlag.ERRORS in state: raise self.__report(DatabaseError, self.status.get_errors()) if StateFlag.WARNINGS in state: # pragma: no cover #raise self.__report(FirebirdWarning, self.status.get_warning()) warn(self.__report(FirebirdWarning, self.status.get_warning()), stacklevel=2) @property def status(self) -> iStatus: "iStatus for interface" if (result := getattr(_thns, 'status', None)) is None: result = _master.get_status() _thns.status = result return result @property def vtable(self): "Interface method table" return self._as_parameter_.contents.vtable.contents @property def version(self) -> int: "Interface version" return self._as_parameter_.contents.vtable.contents.version.value
# IReferenceCounted(2)
[docs] class iReferenceCounted(iVersioned): "IReferenceCounted interface wrapper" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) self._refcnt: int = 1 def __del__(self): if self._refcnt > 0: self.release() def __enter__(self) -> iReferenceCounted: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: self.release()
[docs] def add_ref(self) -> None: "Increase the reference by one" self._refcnt += 1 self.vtable.addRef(cast(self, a.IReferenceCounted))
[docs] def release(self) -> int: "Decrease the reference by one" self._refcnt -= 1 result = self.vtable.release(cast(self, a.IReferenceCounted)) return result
# IDisposable(2)
[docs] class iDisposable(iVersioned): "IDisposable interface wrapper" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) self._disposed: bool = False def __del__(self): if not self._disposed: self.dispose() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.dispose()
[docs] def dispose(self) -> None: "Dispose the interfaced object" if not self._disposed: self.vtable.dispose(cast(self, a.IDisposable)) self._disposed = True
# IStatus(3) : Disposable
[docs] class iStatus(iDisposable): """Class that wraps IStatus interface for use from Python IStatus replaces ISC_STATUS_ARRAY. Functionality is extended – Status has separate access to errors and warnings vectors, can hold vectors of unlimited length, itself stores strings used in vectors avoiding need in circular strings buffer. Interface is on purpose minimized (methods like convert it to text are moved to Util interface) in order to simplify it's implementation by users when needed. """ VERSION = 3
[docs] def init(self) -> None: "Cleanup interface, set it to initial state" self.vtable.init(self)
[docs] def get_state(self) -> StateFlag: "Returns state flags, may be OR-ed." return StateFlag(self.vtable.getState(self))
[docs] def set_errors2(self, length: int, value: ByteString) -> None: "Set contents of errors vector with length explicitly specified in a call" self.vtable.setErrors2(self, length, value)
[docs] def set_warning2(self, length: int, value: ByteString) -> None: "Set contents of warnings vector with length explicitly specified in a call" self.vtable.setWarnings2(self, length, value)
[docs] def set_errors(self, value: ByteString) -> None: "Set contents of errors vector, length is defined by value context" self.vtable.setErrors(self, value)
[docs] def set_warnings(self, value: ByteString) -> None: "Set contents of warnings vector, length is defined by value context" self.vtable.setWarnings(self, value)
[docs] def get_errors(self) -> a.ISC_STATUS_ARRAY_PTR: "Returns errors vector" return self.vtable.getErrors(self)
[docs] def get_warning(self) -> a.ISC_STATUS_ARRAY_PTR: "Returns warnings vector" return self.vtable.getWarnings(self)
[docs] def clone(self) -> iStatus: "Create clone of current interface" return iStatus(self.vtable.clone(self))
# IPluginBase(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iPluginBase(iReferenceCounted): "IPluginBase interface wrapper" VERSION = 3
[docs] def set_owner(self, r: iReferenceCounted) -> None: "Set the owner" self.vtable.setOwner(self, r)
[docs] def get_owner(self) -> iReferenceCounted: "Returns owner" return iReferenceCounted(self.vtable.getOwner(self))
# IConfigEntry(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iConfigEntry(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IConfigEntry interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: "Returns key name" return self.vtable.getName(self).decode()
[docs] def get_value(self) -> str: "Returnd value string value" return self.vtable.getValue(self).decode()
[docs] def get_int_value(self) -> int: "Returns value as integer" return self.vtable.getIntValue(self).value
[docs] def get_bool_value(self) -> bool: "Returns value as boolean" return self.vtable.getBoolValue(self).value
[docs] def get_sub_config(self, status: iStatus) -> iConfig: "Treats sub-entries as separate configuration file and returns IConfig interface for it" result = iConfig(self.vtable.getSubConfig(self, status)) return result
# IConfig(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iConfig(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IConfig interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def find(self, name: str) -> iConfigEntry: "Find entry by name" result = self.vtable.find(self, self.status, name.encode()) self._check() return iConfigEntry(result)
[docs] def find_value(self, name: str, value: str) -> iConfigEntry: "Find entry by name and value" result = self.vtable.findValue(self, self.status, name.encode(), value.encode()) self._check() return iConfigEntry(result)
[docs] def find_pos(self, name: str, pos: int) -> iConfigEntry: """Find entry by name and position. If configuration file contains lines:: Db=DBA Db=DBB Db=DBC call to `find_pos(status, “Db”, 2)` will return entry with value DBB. """ result = self.vtable.findPos(self, self.status, name, pos) self._check() return iConfigEntry(result)
# IFirebirdConf(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iFirebirdConf_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IFirebirdConf v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_key(self, name: str) -> int: """Returns key for configuration parameter. Note: If parameter with given name does not exists, returns 0xffffffff. """ return self.vtable.getKey(self, name.encode())
[docs] def as_integer(self, key: int) -> int: "Returns integer value of conf. parameter" return self.vtable.asInteger(self, key)
[docs] def as_string(self, key: int) -> str: "Returns string value of conf. parameter" value = self.vtable.asString(self, key) if value is not None: value = value.decode() return value
[docs] def as_boolean(self, key: str) -> bool: "Returns boolean value of conf. parameter" return self.vtable.asBoolean(self, key)
# IFirebirdConf(4) : IFirebirdConf(3)
[docs] class iFirebirdConf(iFirebirdConf_v3): "Class that wraps IFirebirdConf v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def get_version(self) -> int: "Returns configuration version" result = self.vtable.asBoolean(self, self.status) self._check() return result
# >>> Firebird 4 # IPluginManager(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iPluginManager(iVersioned): "IPluginManager interface wrapper. This is only STUB." VERSION = 2
# IConfigManager(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iConfigManager_v2(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IConfigManager v2 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2
[docs] def get_directory(self, dirspec: DirectoryCode) -> str: "Returns location of appropriate directory in current firebird instance" return self.vtable.getDirectory(self, a.Cardinal(dirspec)).decode()
[docs] def get_firebird_conf(self) -> iFirebirdConf: "Returns interface to access default configuration values (from firebird.conf)" return iFirebirdConf(self.vtable.getFirebirdConf(self))
[docs] def get_database_conf(self, database: str) -> iFirebirdConf: """Returns interface to access db-specific configuration. Takes into an account firebird.conf and appropriate part of databases.conf.""" return iFirebirdConf(self.vtable.getDatabaseConf(self, database.encode()))
[docs] def get_plugin_config(self, plugin: str) -> iConfig: "Returns interface to access named plugin configuration" return iConfig(self.vtable.getPluginConfig(self, plugin.encode()))
[docs] def get_install_directory(self) -> str: "Returns directory where firebird is installed" return self.vtable.getInstallDirectory(self).decode()
[docs] def get_root_directory(self) -> str: "Returns root directory of current instance, in single-instance case usually matches install directory" return self.vtable.getRootDirectory(self).decode()
# >>> Firebird 4 # IConfigManager(3) : IConfigManager(2)
[docs] class iConfigManager(iConfigManager_v2): "Class that wraps IConfigManager v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_default_security_db(self) -> str: "Returns default security database." return self.vtable.getDefaultSecurityDb(self).decode()
# IBlob(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iBlob_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IBlob interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_info(self, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: "Replaces `isc_blob_info()`" self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
[docs] def get_segment(self, size: int, buffer: a.c_void_p, bytes_read: a.Cardinal) -> StateResult: """Replaces `isc_get_segment()`. Unlike it never returns `isc_segstr_eof` and `isc_segment` errors (that are actually not errors), instead returns completion codes `.StateResult.NO_DATA` and `.StateResult.SEGMENT`, normal return is `.StateResult.OK`. """ result = self.vtable.getSegment(self, self.status, size, buffer, bytes_read) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def put_segment(self, length: int, buffer: Any) -> None: "Replaces `isc_put_segment()`" self.vtable.putSegment(self, self.status, length, buffer) self._check()
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_cancel_blob()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.deprecatedCancel(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def close(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_close_blob()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.deprecatedClose(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def seek(self, mode: int, offset: int) -> int: "Replaces isc_seek_blob()" result =, self.status, mode, offset) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_info2(self, code: BlobInfoCode) -> Any: "Returns information about BLOB" blob_info = (0).to_bytes(10, 'little') self.get_info(bytes([code]), blob_info) i = 0 while blob_info[i] != isc_info_end: _code = blob_info[i] i += 1 if _code == code: size = (0).from_bytes(blob_info[i: i + 2], 'little') result = (0).from_bytes(blob_info[i + 2: i + 2 + size], 'little') i += size + 2 return result
# IBlob(4) : IBlob(3)
[docs] class iBlob(iBlob_v3): "Class that wraps IBlob interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_cancel_blob()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.cancel(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def close(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_close_blob()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.close(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# ITransaction(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iTransaction_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps ITransaction interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_info(self, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: "Replaces `isc_transaction_info()`" self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
[docs] def prepare(self, message: bytes = None) -> None: "Replaces `isc_prepare_transaction2()`" self.vtable.prepare(self, self.status, 0 if message is None else len(message), message) self._check()
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_commit_transaction()`" self.vtable.deprecatedCommit(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def commit_retaining(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_commit_retaining()`" self.vtable.commitRetaining(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_rollback_transaction()`" self.vtable.deprecatedRollback(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def rollback_retaining(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_rollback_retaining()`" self.vtable.rollbackRetaining(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: "Replaces `fb_disconnect_transaction()`" self.vtable.deprecatedDisconnect(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def join(self, transaction: iTransaction) -> iTransaction: """Joins current transaction and passed as parameter transaction into single distributed transaction (using Dtc). On success both current transaction and passed as parameter transaction are released and should not be used any more.""" result = self.vtable.join(self, self.status, transaction) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1 transaction._refcnt -= 1 return iTransaction(result)
[docs] def validate(self, attachment: iAttachment) -> iTransaction: "This method is used to support distributed transactions coordinator" result = self.vtable.validate(self, self.status, attachment) self._check() return self if result is not None else None
[docs] def enter_dtc(self) -> iTransaction: # pragma: no cover "This method is used to support distributed transactions coordinator" raise InterfaceError("Method not supported")
# ITransaction(4) : ITransaction(3)
[docs] class iTransaction(iTransaction_v3): "Class that wraps ITransaction interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_commit_transaction()`" self.vtable.commit(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_rollback_transaction()`" self.vtable.rollback(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: "Replaces `fb_disconnect_transaction()`" self.vtable.disconnect(self, self.status) self._check()
# IMessageMetadata(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iMessageMetadata_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IMessageMetadata v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_count(self) -> int: """Returns number of fields/parameters in a message. In all calls, containing index parameter, it's value should be: 0 <= index < getCount().""" result = self.vtable.getCount(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_field(self, index: int) -> str: "Returns field name" result = self.vtable.getField(self, self.status, index).decode() self._check() return result
[docs] def get_relation(self, index: int) -> str: "Returns relation name (from which given field is selected)" result = self.vtable.getRelation(self, self.status, index).decode() self._check() return result
[docs] def get_owner(self, index: int) -> str: "Returns relation's owner name" result = self.vtable.getOwner(self, self.status, index).decode() self._check() return result
[docs] def get_alias(self, index: int) -> str: "Returns field alias" result = self.vtable.getAlias(self, self.status, index).decode() self._check() return result
[docs] def get_type(self, index: int) -> SQLDataType: "Returns field SQL type" result = self.vtable.getType(self, self.status, index) self._check() return SQLDataType(result)
[docs] def is_nullable(self, index: int) -> bool: "Returns True if field is nullable" result = self.vtable.isNullable(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_subtype(self, index: int) -> int: "Returns blob field subtype (0 – binary, 1 – text, etc.)" result = self.vtable.getSubType(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_length(self, index: int) -> int: "Returns maximum field length" result = self.vtable.getLength(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_scale(self, index: int) -> int: "Returns scale factor for numeric field" result = self.vtable.getScale(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_charset(self, index: int) -> int: "Returns character set for character field and text blob" result = self.vtable.getCharSet(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_offset(self, index: int) -> int: "Returns offset of field data in message buffer (use it to access data in message buffer)" result = self.vtable.getOffset(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_null_offset(self, index: int) -> int: "Returns offset of null indicator for a field in message buffer" result = self.vtable.getNullOffset(self, self.status, index) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_builder(self) -> iMetadataBuilder: "Returns MetadataBuilder interface initialized with this message metadata" result = iMetadataBuilder(self.vtable.getBuilder(self, self.status)) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_message_length(self) -> int: "Returns length of message buffer (use it to allocate memory for the buffer)" result = self.vtable.getMessageLength(self, self.status) self._check() return result
# >>> Firebird 4 # IMessageMetadata(4) : IMessageMetadata(3)
[docs] class iMessageMetadata(iMessageMetadata_v3): "Class that wraps IMessageMetadata v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def get_alignment(self) -> int: """Returns alignment required for message buffer. """ result = self.vtable.getAlignment(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_aligned_length(self) -> int: """Returns length of message buffer taking into an account alignment requirements (use it to allocate memory for an array of buffers and navigate through that array). """ result = self.vtable.getAlignedLength(self, self.status) self._check() return result
# IMetadataBuilder(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iMetadataBuilder_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IMetadataBuilder v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def set_type(self, index: int, field_type: SQLDataType) -> None: "Set SQL type of a field" self.vtable.setType(self, self.status, index, field_type) self._check()
[docs] def set_subtype(self, index: int, subtype: int) -> None: "Set blob field subtype" self.vtable.setSubType(self, self.status, index, subtype) self._check()
[docs] def set_length(self, index: int, length: int) -> None: "Set maximum length of character field" self.vtable.setLength(self, self.status, index, length) self._check()
[docs] def set_charset(self, index: int, charset: int) -> None: "Set character set for character field and text blob" self.vtable.setCharSet(self, self.status, index, charset) self._check()
[docs] def set_scale(self, index: int, scale: int) -> None: "Set scale factor for numeric field" self.vtable.setScale(self, self.status, index, scale) self._check()
[docs] def truncate(self, count: int) -> None: "Truncate message to contain not more than count fields" self.vtable.truncate(self, self.status, count) self._check()
[docs] def move_name_to_index(self, name: str, index: int) -> None: "Reorganize fields in a message – move field “name” to given position" self.vtable.moveNameToIndex(self, self.status, name.encode(), index) self._check()
[docs] def remove(self, index: int) -> None: "Remove field" self.vtable.remove(self, self.status, index) self._check()
[docs] def add_field(self) -> int: "Add field" result = self.vtable.addField(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> iMessageMetadata: "Returns MessageMetadata interface built by this builder" result = iMessageMetadata(self.vtable.getMetadata(self, self.status)) self._check() return result
# >>> Firebird 4 # IMetadataBuilder(4) : IMetadataBuilder(3)
[docs] class iMetadataBuilder(iMetadataBuilder_v3): "Class that wraps IMetadataBuilder v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def set_field(self, index: int, field: str) -> None: "Set field name" self.vtable.setField(self, self.status, index, field.encode()) self._check()
[docs] def set_relation(self, index: int, relation: str) -> None: "Set relation name" self.vtable.setRelation(self, self.status, index, relation.encode()) self._check()
[docs] def set_owner(self, index: int, owner: str) -> None: "Set owner name" self.vtable.setOwner(self, self.status, index, owner.encode()) self._check()
[docs] def set_alias(self, index: int, alias: str) -> None: "Set the alias" self.vtable.setAlias(self, self.status, index, alias.encode()) self._check()
# IResultSet(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iResultSet_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IResultSet interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def fetch_next(self, message: bytes) -> StateResult: """Fetch next record, replaces isc_dsql_fetch(). This method (and other fetch methods) returns completion code Status::RESULT_NO_DATA when EOF is reached, Status::RESULT_OK on success.""" result = self.vtable.fetchNext(self, self.status, message) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def fetch_prior(self, message: bytes) -> StateResult: "Fetch previous record" result = self.vtable.fetchPrior(self, self.status, message) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def fetch_first(self, message: bytes) -> StateResult: "Fetch first record" result = self.vtable.fetchFirst(self, self.status, message) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def fetch_last(self, message: bytes) -> StateResult: "Fetch last record" result = self.vtable.fetchLast(self, self.status, message) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def fetch_absolute(self, position: int, message: bytes) -> StateResult: "Fetch record by it's absolute position in result set" result = self.vtable.fetchAbsolute(self, self.status, position, message) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def fetch_relative(self, offset: int, message: bytes) -> StateResult: "Fetch record by position relative to current" result = self.vtable.fetchRelative(self, self.status, offset, message) self._check() return StateResult(result)
[docs] def is_eof(self) -> bool: "Check for EOF" result = self.vtable.isEof(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def is_bof(self) -> bool: "Check for BOF" result = self.vtable.isBof(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> iMessageMetadata: """Get metadata for messages in result set, specially useful when result set is opened by IAttachment::openCursor() call with NULL output metadata format parameter (this is the only way to obtain message format in this case)""" result = self.vtable.getMetadata(self, self.status) self._check() return iMessageMetadata(result)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: "Close result set, releases interface on success" self.vtable.deprecatedClose(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def set_delayed_output_format(self, fmt: iMessageMetadata) -> None: """Important: This item is for ISC API emulation only. It may be gone in future versions. Please do not use it! """ self.vtable.setDelayedOutputFormat(self, self.status, fmt) self._check()
# IResultSet(4) : ReferenceCounted class iResultSet_v4(iResultSet_v3): "Class that wraps IResultSet interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4 def close(self) -> None: "Close result set, releases interface on success" self.vtable.close(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1 # IResultSet(5) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iResultSet(iResultSet_v3): "Class that wraps IResultSet interface for use from Python" VERSION = 5
[docs] def get_info(self, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: "Returns information about result set." self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
# IStatement(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iStatement_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IStatement v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def get_info(self, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: "Replaces `isc_dsql_sql_info()`" self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
[docs] def get_type(self) -> StatementType: "Statement type, currently can be found only in firebird sources in `dsql/dsql.h`" result = self.vtable.getType(self, self.status) self._check() return StatementType(result)
[docs] def get_plan(self, detailed: bool) -> str: "Returns statement execution plan" result = self.vtable.getPlan(self, self.status, detailed) self._check() return result.decode() if result else result
[docs] def get_affected_records(self) -> int: "Returns number of records affected by statement" result = self.vtable.getAffectedRecords(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_input_metadata(self) -> iMessageMetadata: "Returns parameters metadata" result = self.vtable.getInputMetadata(self, self.status) self._check() return iMessageMetadata(result)
[docs] def get_output_metadata(self) -> iMessageMetadata: "Returns output values metadata" result = self.vtable.getOutputMetadata(self, self.status) self._check() return iMessageMetadata(result)
[docs] def execute(self, transaction: iTransaction, in_meta: iMessageMetadata, in_buffer: bytes, out_meta: iMessageMetadata, out_buffer: bytes) -> None: """Executes any SQL statement except returning multiple rows of data. Partial analogue of `isc_dsql_execute2()` - in and out XSLQDAs replaced with input and output messages with appropriate buffers.""" result = self.vtable.execute(self, self.status, transaction, in_meta, in_buffer, out_meta, out_buffer) self._check() transaction._as_parameter_ = result
[docs] def open_cursor(self, transaction: iTransaction, in_meta: iMessageMetadata, in_buffer: bytes, out_meta: iMessageMetadata, flags: CursorFlag) -> iResultSet: """Executes SQL statement potentially returning multiple rows of data. Returns ResultSet interface which should be used to fetch that data. Format of output data is defined by outMetadata parameter, leaving it NULL default format may be used. Parameter flags is needed to open bidirectional cursor setting it's value to IStatement::CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE.""" result = self.vtable.openCursor(self, self.status, transaction, in_meta, in_buffer, out_meta, flags) self._check() return iResultSet(result)
[docs] def set_cursor_name(self, name: str) -> None: "Replaces `isc_dsql_set_cursor_name()`" self.vtable.setCursorName(self, self.status, name.encode()) self._check()
[docs] def free(self) -> None: "Free statement, releases interface on success" self.vtable.deprecatedFree(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def get_flags(self) -> StatementFlag: "Returns flags describing how this statement should be executed, simplified replacement of getType() method" result = self.vtable.getFlags(self, self.status) self._check() return StatementFlag(result)
# >>> Firebird 4 # IStatement(4) : IStatement(3)
[docs] class iStatement_v4(iStatement_v3): "Class that wraps IStatement v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def get_timeout(self) -> int: "Return statement timeout" result = self.vtable.getTimeout(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: "Set the statement timeout" self.vtable.setTimeout(self, self.status, timeout) self._check()
[docs] def create_batch(self, in_meta: iMessageMetadata, params: bytes) -> iBatch: "Create new batch" result = self.vtable.createBatch(self, self.status, in_meta, len(params), params) self._check() return iBatch(result)
# IStatement(5) : IStatement(4)
[docs] class iStatement(iStatement_v4): "Class that wraps IStatement v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 5
[docs] def free(self) -> None: "Free statement, releases interface on success", self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# IBatch(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] def add(self, count: int, in_buffer: bytes) -> None: """Adds count messages from inBuffer to the batch. Total size of messages that can be added to the batch is limited by TAG_BUFFER_BYTES_SIZE parameter of batch creation. """ self.vtable.add(self, self.status, count, in_buffer) self._check()
[docs] def add_blob(self, length: int, in_buffer: bytes, id_: a.ISC_QUAD, params: bytes) -> None: """Adds single blob having length bytes from `in_buffer` to the batch, blob identifier is located at `id_` address. If blob should be created with non-default parameters BPB may be passed (format matches one used in `~.iAttachment_v3.create_blob`). Total size of inline blobs that can be added to the batch (including optional BPBs, blob headers, segment sizes and taking into an accoount alignment) is limited by TAG_BUFFER_BYTES_SIZE parameter of batch creation (affects all blob-oriented methods except `register_blob()`). """ self.vtable.addBlob(self, self.status, length, in_buffer, byref(id_), len(params), params) self._check()
[docs] def append_blob_data(self, length: int, in_buffer: bytes) -> None: """Extend last added blob: append length bytes taken from `in_buffer` to it. """ self.vtable.appendBlobData(self, self.status, length, in_buffer) self._check()
[docs] def add_blob_stream(self, length: int, in_buffer: bytes) -> None: """Adds blob data (this can be multiple objects or part of single blob) to the batch. Header of each blob in the stream is aligned at `get_blob_alignment()` boundary and contains 3 fields: first - 8-bytes blob identifier (in ISC_QUAD format), second - 4-bytes length of blob, third – 4-bytes length of BPB. Blob header should not cross boundaries of buffer in this function call. BPB data is placed right after header, blob data goes next. Length of blob includes BPB (if it present). All data may be distributed between multiple `add_blob_stream()` calls. Blob data in turn may be structured in case of segmented blob, see chapter “Modifying data in a batch” in `Using_OO_API` guide. """ self.vtable.addBlobStream(self, self.status, length, in_buffer) self._check()
[docs] def register_blob(self, existing: a.ISC_QUAD, id_: a.ISC_QUAD): """Makes it possible to use in batch blobs added using standard Blob interface. This function contains 2 ISC_QUAD* parameters, it’s important not to mix them – first parameter (`existing`) is a blob identifier, already added out of batch scope, second (`id_`) is blob identifier that will be placed in a message in this batch. """ self.vtable.registerBlob(self, self.status, byref(existing), byref(id_)) self._check()
[docs] def execute(self, transaction: iTransaction) -> iBatchCompletionState: """Execute batch with parameters passed to it in the messages. If parameter MULTIERROR is not set in parameters block when creating the batch execution will be stopped after first error, in MULTIERROR mode an unlimited number of errors can happen, after an error execution is continued from the next message. This function returns `.iBatchCompletionState` interface that contains all requested information about the results of batch execution. """ result = self.vtable.execute(self, self.status, transaction) self._check() return iBatchCompletionState(result)
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: """Clear messages and blobs buffers, return batch to a state it had right after creation. Note: Being reference counted interface batch does not contain any special function to close it, please use release() for this purposes. """ self.vtable.cancel(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def get_blob_alignment(self) -> int: """Returns required alignment for the data placed into the buffer of `.add_blob_stream()`. """ result = self.vtable.getBlobAlignment(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> iMessageMetadata: """Returns format of metadata used in batch’s messages. """ result = self.vtable.getMetadata(self, self.status) self._check() return iMessageMetadata(result)
[docs] def set_default_bpb(self, bpb: bytes) -> None: """Sets BPB which will be used for all blobs missing non-default BPB. Must be called before adding any message or blob to batch. """ self.vtable.setDefaultBpb(self, self.status, len(bpb), bpb) self._check()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Sets BPB which will be used for all blobs missing non-default BPB. Must be called before adding any message or blob to batch. """ self.vtable.deprecatedClose(self, self.status) self._check()
# IBatch(4) : IBatch(3)
[docs] class iBatch(iBatch_v3): "Class that wraps IBatch interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Sets BPB which will be used for all blobs missing non-default BPB. Must be called before adding any message or blob to batch. """ self.vtable.close(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def get_info(self, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: """Requests information about batch. """ self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
# IBatchCompletionState(3) : Disposable
[docs] class iBatchCompletionState(iDisposable): "Class that wraps IBatchCompletionState interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3 EXECUTE_FAILED = -1 SUCCESS_NO_INFO = -2 NO_MORE_ERRORS = 0xffffffff
[docs] def get_size(self) -> int: """Returns the total number of processed messages. """ result = self.vtable.getSize(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_state(self, pos: int) -> int: """Returns the result of execution of message number `pos`. On any error with the message this is `.EXECUTE_FAILED` constant, value returned on success depends upon presence of `.RECORD_COUNTS` parameter of batch creation. When it present and has non-zero value number of records inserted, updated or deleted during particular message processing is returned, else `.SUCCESS_NO_INFO` constant is returned. """ result = self.vtable.getState(self, self.status, pos) self._check() return result
[docs] def find_error(self, pos: int) -> int: """Finds next (starting with pos) message which processing caused an error. When such message is missing NO_MORE_ERRORS constant is returned. Number of status vectors, returned in this interface, is limited by the value of `.DETAILED_ERRORS` parameter of batch creation. """ result = self.vtable.findError(self, self.status, pos) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_status(self, pos: int) -> iStatus: """Returns detailed information (full status vector) about an error that took place when processing `pos` message. """ result = _master.get_status() self.vtable.getStatus(self, self.status, result, pos) self._check() return result
# IRequest(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iRequest_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IRequest interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def receive(self, level: int, msg_type: int, message: bytes) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.receive(self, self.status, level, msg_type, len(message), message) self._check()
[docs] def send(self, level: int, msg_type: int, message: bytes) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.send(self, self.status, level, msg_type, len(message), message) self._check()
[docs] def get_info(self, level: int, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, level, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
[docs] def start(self, transaction: iTransaction, level: int) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.start(self, self.status, transaction, level) self._check()
[docs] def start_and_send(self, transaction: iTransaction, level: int, msg_type: int, message: bytes) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.startAndSend(self, self.status, transaction, level, msg_type, len(message), message) self._check()
[docs] def unwind(self, level: int) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.unwind(self, self.status, level) self._check()
[docs] def free(self) -> None: "Information not available" self.vtable.deprecatedFree(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# IRequest(4) : IRequest(3)
[docs] class iRequest(iRequest_v3): "Class that wraps IRequest interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def free(self) -> None: "Information not available", self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# IEvents(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iEvents_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IEvents interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: "Cancels events monitoring started by IAttachment::queEvents()" self.vtable.deprecatedCancel(self, self.status) self._check()
# IEvents(4) : IEvents(3)
[docs] class iEvents(iEvents_v3): "Class that wraps IEvents interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: "Cancels events monitoring started by IAttachment::queEvents()" self.vtable.cancel(self, self.status) self._check()
# IAttachment(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iAttachment_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IAttachment v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) #: Encoding used for string values self.encoding: str = 'ascii'
[docs] def get_info(self, items: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: "Replaces `isc_database_info()`" self.vtable.getInfo(self, self.status, len(items), items, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
[docs] def start_transaction(self, tpb: bytes) -> iTransaction: """Partially replaces `isc_start_multiple()`, to start >1 transaction distributed transactions coordinator should be used, also possible to join 2 transactions into single distributed transaction""" result = self.vtable.startTransaction(self, self.status, len(tpb), tpb) self._check() return iTransaction(result)
[docs] def reconnect_transaction(self, id_: bytes) -> iTransaction: """Makes it possible to connect to a transaction in limbo. Id parameter contains transaction number in network format of given length.""" result = self.vtable.reconnectTransaction(self, self.status, len(id_), id_) self._check() return iTransaction(result)
[docs] def compile_request(self, blr: bytes) -> iRequest: "Support of ISC API" result = self.vtable.compileRequest(self, self.status, len(blr), blr) self._check() return iRequest(result)
[docs] def transact_request(self, transaction: iTransaction, blr: bytes, in_msg: bytes, out_msg: bytes) -> None: "Support of ISC API" self.vtable.transactRequest(self, self.status, transaction, len(blr), blr, len(in_msg), in_msg, len(out_msg), out_msg) self._check()
[docs] def create_blob(self, transaction: iTransaction, id_: a.ISC_QUAD, bpb: bytes = None) -> iBlob: "Creates new blob, stores it's identifier in id, replaces `isc_create_blob2()`" result = self.vtable.createBlob(self, self.status, transaction, byref(id_), len(bpb) if bpb is not None else 0, bpb) self._check() return iBlob(result)
[docs] def open_blob(self, transaction: iTransaction, id_: a.ISC_QUAD, bpb: bytes = None) -> iBlob: "Opens existing blob, replaces `isc_open_blob2()`" result = self.vtable.openBlob(self, self.status, transaction, byref(id_), len(bpb) if bpb is not None else 0, bpb) self._check() return iBlob(result)
[docs] def get_slice(self, transaction: iTransaction, id_: a.ISC_QUAD, sdl: bytes, param: bytes, slice_: bytes) -> int: "Support of ISC API" result = self.vtable.getSlice(self, self.status, transaction, byref(id_), len(sdl), sdl, len(param), param, len(slice_), slice_) self._check() return result
[docs] def put_slice(self, transaction: iTransaction, id_: a.ISC_QUAD, sdl: bytes, param: bytes, slice_: bytes) -> None: "Support of ISC API" self.vtable.putSlice(self, self.status, transaction, byref(id_), len(sdl), sdl, len(param), param, len(slice_), slice_) self._check()
[docs] def execute_dyn(self, transaction: iTransaction, dyn: bytes) -> None: "Support of ISC API" self.vtable.executeDyn(self, self.status, transaction, len(dyn), dyn) self._check()
[docs] def prepare(self, transaction: iTransaction, stmt: str, dialect: int, flags: PreparePrefetchFlag = PreparePrefetchFlag.METADATA) -> iStatement: """Replaces `isc_dsql_prepare()`. Additional parameter flags makes it possible to control what information will be preloaded from engine at once (i.e. in single network packet for remote operation).""" b_stmt: bytes = stmt.encode(self.encoding) result = self.vtable.prepare(self, self.status, transaction, len(b_stmt), b_stmt, dialect, flags) self._check() return iStatement(result)
[docs] def execute(self, transaction: iTransaction, stmt: str, dialect: int, in_metadata: iMessageMetadata = None, in_buffer: bytes = None, out_metadata: iMessageMetadata = None, out_buffer: bytes = None) -> None: """Executes any SQL statement except returning multiple rows of data. Partial analogue of `isc_dsql_execute2()` - in and out XSLQDAs replaced with input and output messages with appropriate buffers.""" b_stmt: bytes = stmt.encode(self.encoding) result = self.vtable.execute(self, self.status, transaction, len(b_stmt), b_stmt, dialect, in_metadata, in_buffer, out_metadata, out_buffer) self._check() transaction._as_parameter_ = result
[docs] def open_cursor(self, transaction: iTransaction, stmt: str, dialect: int, in_metadata: iMessageMetadata, in_buffer: bytes, out_metadata: iMessageMetadata, cursor_name: str, cursor_flags: int) -> iResultSet: """Executes SQL statement potentially returning multiple rows of data. Returns iResultSet interface which should be used to fetch that data. Format of output data is defined by out_metadata parameter, leaving it NULL default format may be used. Parameter cursor_name specifies name of opened cursor (analogue of `isc_dsql_set_cursor_name()`). Parameter cursor_flags is needed to open bidirectional cursor setting it's value to Istatement::CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE.""" b_stmt: bytes = stmt.encode(self.encoding) result = self.vtable.openCursor(self, self.status, transaction, len(b_stmt), b_stmt, dialect, in_metadata, in_buffer, out_metadata, cursor_name.encode(self.encoding), cursor_flags) self._check() return iResultSet(result)
[docs] def que_events(self, callback: iEventCallbackImpl, events: bytes) -> iEvents: """Replaces `isc_que_events()` call. Instead callback function with void* parameter callback interface is used.""" result = self.vtable.queEvents(self, self.status, callback, len(events), events) self._check() return iEvents(result)
[docs] def cancel_operation(self, option: int) -> None: "Replaces `fb_cancel_operation()`" self.vtable.cancelOperation(self, self.status, option) self._check()
[docs] def ping(self) -> None: """Checks connection status. If test fails the only operation possible with attachment is to close it.""", self.status) self._check()
[docs] def detach(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_detach_database()`. On success releases interface." if self._refcnt: self.vtable.deprecatedDetach(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def drop_database(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_drop_database()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.deprecatedDropDatabase(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# >>> Firebird 4 # IAttachment(4) : IAttachment(3)
[docs] class iAttachment_v4(iAttachment_v3): "Class that wraps IAttachment v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def get_idle_timeout(self) -> int: "Returns idle timeout for attachment." result = self.vtable.getIdleTimeout(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def set_idle_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: "Sets idle timeout for attachment." self.vtable.setIdleTimeout(self, self.status, timeout) self._check()
[docs] def get_statement_timeout(self) -> int: "Returns idle timeout for statement." result = self.vtable.getStatementTimeout(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def set_statement_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: "Sets idle timeout for statement." self.vtable.setStatementTimeout(self, self.status, timeout) self._check()
[docs] def create_batch(self, transaction: iTransaction, stmt: str, dialect: int, in_metadata: iMessageMetadata, params: bytes) -> iBatch: """Prepares `stmt` and creates `.iBatch` interface ready to accept multiple sets of input parameters in `in_metadata` format. Leaving `in_metadata` `None` makes batch use default format for `stmt`. Parameters block may be passed to `create_batch` making it possible to adjust batch behavior. """ b_stmt: bytes = stmt.encode(self.encoding) result = self.vtable.createBatch(self, self.status, transaction, len(b_stmt), b_stmt, dialect, in_metadata, len(params), params) self._check() return iBatch(result)
# IAttachment(5) : IAttachment(4)
[docs] class iAttachment(iAttachment_v4): "Class that wraps IAttachment v5 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 5
[docs] def detach(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_detach_database()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.detach(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def drop_database(self) -> None: "Replaces `isc_drop_database()`. On success releases interface." self.vtable.dropDatabase(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# IService(3) : ReferenceCounted
[docs] class iService_v3(iReferenceCounted): "Class that wraps IService v3 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def detach(self) -> None: """Close attachment to services manager, on success releases interface. Replaces `isc_service_detach()`. """ self.vtable.deprecatedDetach(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
[docs] def query(self, send: bytes, receive: bytes, buffer: bytes) -> None: """Send and request information to/from service, with different `receive` may be used for both running services and to obtain various server-wide information. Replaces `isc_service_query()`. """ self.vtable.query(self, self.status, 0 if send is None else len(send), send, len(receive), receive, len(buffer), buffer) self._check()
[docs] def start(self, spb: bytes) -> None: "Start utility in services manager. Replaces `isc_service_start()`." self.vtable.start(self, self.status, len(spb), spb) self._check()
# IService(4) : IService(3)
[docs] class iService_v4(iService_v3): "Class that wraps IService v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def detach(self) -> None: """Close attachment to services manager, on success releases interface. Replaces `isc_service_detach()`. """ self.vtable.detach(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# IService(5) : IService(4)
[docs] class iService(iService_v4): "Class that wraps IService v5 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 5
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel wait of current `query()` call. Supported only for embedded connections. """ self.vtable.cancel(self, self.status) self._check() self._refcnt -= 1
# IProvider(4) : PluginBase
[docs] class iProvider(iPluginBase): "Class that wraps IProvider interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4
[docs] def attach_database(self, filename: str, dpb: Optional[bytes] = None, encoding: str = 'ascii') -> iAttachment: "Replaces `isc_attach_database()`" result = self.vtable.attachDatabase(self, self.status, filename.encode(encoding), 0 if dpb is None else len(dpb), dpb) self._check() return iAttachment(result)
[docs] def create_database(self, filename: str, dpb: bytes, encoding: str = 'ascii') -> iAttachment: "Replaces `isc_create_database()`" result = self.vtable.createDatabase(self, self.status, filename.encode(encoding), len(dpb), dpb) self._check() return iAttachment(result)
[docs] def attach_service_manager(self, service: str, spb: bytes) -> iService: "Replaces `isc_service_attach()`" result = self.vtable.attachServiceManager(self, self.status, service.encode(), len(spb), spb) self._check() return iService(result)
[docs] def shutdown(self, timeout: int, reason: int) -> None: "Replaces `fb_shutdown()`" self.vtable.shutdown(self, self.status, timeout, reason) self._check()
[docs] def set_dbcrypt_callback(self, callback: iCryptKeyCallbackImpl) -> None: "Sets database encryption callback interface that will be used for following database and service attachments" self.vtable.setDbCryptCallback(self, self.status, callback) self._check()
# IDtcStart(3) : Disposable
[docs] class iDtcStart(iDisposable): "Class that wraps IDtcStart interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def add_attachment(self, attachment: iAttachment) -> None: "Adds attachment, transaction for it will be started with default TPB" self.vtable.addAttachment(self, self.status, attachment) self._check()
[docs] def add_with_tpb(self, attachment: iAttachment, tpb: bytes) -> None: "Adds attachment and TPB which will be used to start transaction for this attachment" self.vtable.addWithTpb(self, self.status, attachment, len(tpb), tpb) self._check()
[docs] def start(self) -> iTransaction: """Start distributed transaction for accumulated attachments. On successful return DtcStart interface is disposed automatically.""" result = self.vtable.start(self, self.status) self._check() self._disposed = True return iTransaction(result)
# IDtc(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iDtc(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IDtc interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2
[docs] def join(self, one: iTransaction, two: iTransaction) -> iTransaction: """Joins 2 independent transactions into distributed transaction. On success both transactions passed to join() are released and pointers to them should not be used any more.""" result = self.vtable.join(self, self.status, one, two) self._check() one._refcnt -= 1 two._refcnt -= 1 return iTransaction(result)
[docs] def start_builder(self) -> iDtcStart: "Returns DtcStart interface" result = self.vtable.startBuilder(self, self.status) self._check() return iDtcStart(result)
# ITimerControl(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iTimerControl(iVersioned): "Class that wraps ITimerControl interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2
[docs] def start(self, timer: iTimerImpl, microseconds: int) -> None: """Start ITimer to alarm after given delay (in microseconds, 10-6 seconds). Timer will be waked up only once after this call.""" self.vtable.start(self, self.status, timer, microseconds) self._check()
[docs] def stop(self, timer: iTimerImpl) -> None: """Stop ITimer. It's not an error to stop not started timer thus avoiding problems with races between stop() and timer alarm.""" self.vtable.stop(self, self.status, timer) self._check()
# IXpbBuilder(3) : Disposable
[docs] class iXpbBuilder(iDisposable): "Class that wraps IXpbBuilder interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: "Reset builder to empty state." self.vtable.clear(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def remove_current(self) -> None: "Removes current clumplet." self.vtable.removeCurrent(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def insert_int(self, tag: int, value: int) -> None: "Inserts a clumplet with value representing integer in network format." self.vtable.insertInt(self, self.status, tag, value) self._check()
[docs] def insert_bigint(self, tag: int, value: int) -> None: "Inserts a clumplet with value representing integer in network format." self.vtable.insertBigInt(self, self.status, tag, value) self._check()
[docs] def insert_bytes(self, tag: int, value: bytes) -> None: "Inserts a clumplet with value containing passed bytes." self.vtable.insertBytes(self, self.status, tag, value, len(value)) self._check()
[docs] def insert_string(self, tag: int, value: str, *, encoding: str='ascii', errors: str='strict') -> None: "Inserts a clumplet with value containing passed string." self.vtable.insertString(self, self.status, tag, value.encode(encoding, errors)) self._check()
[docs] def insert_tag(self, tag: int) -> None: "Inserts a clumplet without a value." self.vtable.insertTag(self, self.status, tag) self._check()
[docs] def is_eof(self) -> bool: "Checks that there is no current clumplet." result = self.vtable.isEof(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def move_next(self) -> None: "Moves to next clumplet." self.vtable.moveNext(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def rewind(self) -> None: "Moves to first clumplet." self.vtable.rewind(self, self.status) self._check()
[docs] def find_first(self, tag: int) -> bool: "Finds first clumplet with given tag." result = self.vtable.findFirst(self, self.status, tag) self._check() return result
[docs] def find_next(self) -> bool: "Finds next clumplet with given tag." result = self.vtable.findNext(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_tag(self) -> int: "Returns tag for current clumplet." result = self.vtable.getTag(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_length(self) -> int: "Returns length of current clumplet value." result = self.vtable.getLength(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_int(self) -> int: "Returns value of current clumplet as integer." result = self.vtable.getInt(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_bigint(self) -> int: "Returns value of current clumplet as 64-bit integer." result = self.vtable.getBigInt(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_string(self, *, encoding: str='ascii', errors: str='strict') -> str: "Returns value of current clumplet as string." result = self.vtable.getString(self, self.status) self._check() return string_at(result).decode(encoding, errors)
[docs] def get_bytes(self) -> bytes: "Returns value of current clumplet as bytes." buffer = self.vtable.getBytes(self, self.status) self._check() size = self.vtable.getLength(self, self.status) self._check() return string_at(buffer, size)
[docs] def get_buffer_length(self) -> int: "Returns length of parameters block." result = self.vtable.getBufferLength(self, self.status) self._check() return result
[docs] def get_buffer(self) -> bytes: "Returns the parameters block." buffer = self.vtable.getBuffer(self, self.status) self._check() size = self.get_buffer_length() self._check() return string_at(buffer, size)
# IUtil(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iUtil_v2(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IUtil v2 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2
[docs] def get_fb_version(self, attachment: iAttachment, callback: iVersionCallbackImpl) -> None: """Produce long and beautiful report about firebird version used. It may be seen in ISQL when invoked with -Z switch.""" self.vtable.getFbVersion(self, self.status, attachment, callback) self._check()
[docs] def load_blob(self, blob_id: a.ISC_QUAD, attachment: iAttachment, transaction: iTransaction, filename: str, is_text: bool) -> None: "Load blob from file" self.vtable.loadBlob(self, self.status, byref(blob_id), attachment, transaction, filename.encode(), is_text) self._check()
[docs] def dump_blob(self, blob_id: a.ISC_QUAD, attachment: iAttachment, transaction: iTransaction, filename: str, is_text: bool) -> None: "Save blob to file" self.vtable.dumpBlob(self, self.status, byref(blob_id), attachment, transaction, filename.encode(), is_text) self._check()
[docs] def get_perf_counters(self, attachment: iAttachment, counters_set: str) -> int: "Get statistics for given attachment" result = a.Int64(0) self.vtable.getPerfCounters(self, self.status, attachment, counters_set.encode(), byref(result)) self._check() return result
[docs] def execute_create_database(self, stmt: str, dialect: int) -> iAttachment: """Execute “CREATE DATABASE ...” statement – ISC trick with NULL statement handle does not work with interfaces.""" b_stmt: bytes = stmt.encode() result = self.vtable.executeCreateDatabase(self, self.status, len(b_stmt), b_stmt, dialect, byref(c_byte(1))) self._check() return iAttachment(result)
[docs] def decode_date(self, date: Union[a.ISC_DATE, bytes]) -> "Replaces `isc_decode_sql_date()`" if isinstance(date, bytes): date = a.ISC_DATE.from_buffer_copy(date) year = a.Cardinal(0) month = a.Cardinal(0) day = a.Cardinal(0) self.vtable.decodeDate(self, date, byref(year), byref(month), byref(day)) return, month.value, day.value)
[docs] def decode_time(self, atime: Union[a.ISC_TIME, bytes]) -> datetime.time: "Replaces `isc_decode_sql_time()`" if isinstance(atime, bytes): atime = a.ISC_TIME.from_buffer_copy(atime) hours = a.Cardinal(0) minutes = a.Cardinal(0) seconds = a.Cardinal(0) fractions = a.Cardinal(0) self.vtable.decodeTime(self, atime, byref(hours), byref(minutes), byref(seconds), byref(fractions)) return datetime.time(hours.value, minutes.value, seconds.value, fractions.value * 100)
[docs] def encode_date(self, date: -> a.ISC_DATE: "Replaces `isc_encode_sql_date()`" return self.vtable.encodeDate(self, date.year, date.month,
[docs] def encode_time(self, atime: datetime.time) -> a.ISC_TIME: "Replaces isc_encode_sql_time()" return self.vtable.encodeTime(self, atime.hour, atime.minute, atime.second, int(atime.microsecond / 100))
[docs] def format_status(self, status: iStatus, encoding: str=a.err_encoding) -> str: "Replaces `fb_interpret()`." buffer = create_string_buffer(1024) self.vtable.formatStatus(self, buffer, 1024, status) return buffer.value.decode(encoding, errors='replace')
[docs] def get_client_version(self) -> int: "Returns integer, containing major version in byte 0 and minor version in byte 1" return self.vtable.getClientVersion(self)
[docs] def get_xpb_builder(self, kind: XpbKind, buffer: bytes = None) -> iXpbBuilder: "Returns XpbBuilder interface." if buffer is None: result = self.vtable.getXpbBuilder(self, self.status, kind, None, 0) else: result = self.vtable.getXpbBuilder(self, self.status, kind, buffer, len(buffer)) self._check() return iXpbBuilder(result)
[docs] def set_offsets(self, metadata: iMessageMetadata, callback: iOffsetsCallbackImp) -> int: "Sets valid offsets in MessageMetadata. Performs calls to callback in OffsetsCallback for each field/parameter." result = self.vtable.setOffsets(self, self.status, metadata, callback) self._check() return result
# >>> Firebird 4 # IUtil(4) : IUtil(2)
[docs] class iUtil(iUtil_v2): "Class that wraps IUtil v4 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 4 STR_SIZE = 200 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) self.year = a.Cardinal(0) self.month = a.Cardinal(0) = a.Cardinal(0) self.hours = a.Cardinal(0) self.minutes = a.Cardinal(0) self.seconds = a.Cardinal(0) self.fractions = a.Cardinal(0) self.str_buf = create_string_buffer(self.STR_SIZE) self.time_tz = create_string_buffer(sizeof(a.ISC_TIME_TZ())) self.timestamp_tz = create_string_buffer(sizeof(a.ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ()))
[docs] def get_decfloat16(self) -> iDecFloat16: "Returns iDecFloat16 interface." result = self.vtable.getDecFloat16(self, self.status) self._check() return iDecFloat16(result)
[docs] def get_decfloat34(self) -> iDecFloat34: "Returns iDecFloat34 interface." result = self.vtable.getDecFloat34(self, self.status) self._check() return iDecFloat34(result)
[docs] def decode_time_tz(self, timetz: Union[a.ISC_TIME_TZ, bytes]) -> datetime.time: "Decodes TIME WITH TIMEZONE from internal format to datetime.time with tzinfo." if isinstance(timetz, bytes): timetz = a.ISC_TIME_TZ.from_buffer_copy(timetz) self.hours.value = 0 self.minutes.value = 0 self.seconds.value = 0 self.fractions.value = 0 memset(self.str_buf, 0, self.STR_SIZE) # procedure decodeTimeTz(this: IUtil; status: IStatus; timeTz: ISC_TIME_TZPtr; # hours: CardinalPtr; minutes: CardinalPtr; # seconds: CardinalPtr; fractions: CardinalPtr; # timeZoneBufferLength: Cardinal; timeZoneBuffer: PAnsiChar) self.vtable.decodeTimeTz(self, self.status, byref(timetz), byref(self.hours), byref(self.minutes), byref(self.seconds), byref(self.fractions), self.STR_SIZE, self.str_buf) self._check() tz = get_timezone(self.str_buf.value.decode()) return datetime.time(self.hours.value, self.minutes.value, self.seconds.value, self.fractions.value * 100, tz)
[docs] def decode_timestamp_tz(self, timestamptz: Union[a.ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ, bytes]) -> datetime.datetime: "Decodes TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE from internal format to datetime.datetime with tzinfo." if isinstance(timestamptz, bytes): timestamptz = a.ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ.from_buffer_copy(timestamptz) self.year.value = 0 self.month.value = 0 = 0 self.hours.value = 0 self.minutes.value = 0 self.seconds.value = 0 self.fractions.value = 0 memset(self.str_buf, 0, self.STR_SIZE) # procedure decodeTimeStampTz(this: IUtil; status: IStatus; timeStampTz: ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZPtr; # year: CardinalPtr; month: CardinalPtr; day: CardinalPtr; # hours: CardinalPtr; minutes: CardinalPtr; # seconds: CardinalPtr; fractions: CardinalPtr; # timeZoneBufferLength: Cardinal; timeZoneBuffer: PAnsiChar) self.vtable.decodeTimeStampTz(self, self.status, byref(timestamptz), byref(self.year), byref(self.month), byref(, byref(self.hours), byref(self.minutes), byref(self.seconds), byref(self.fractions), self.STR_SIZE, self.str_buf) self._check() tz = get_timezone(self.str_buf.value.decode()) return datetime.datetime(self.year.value, self.month.value,, self.hours.value, self.minutes.value, self.seconds.value, self.fractions.value * 100, tz)
[docs] def encode_time_tz(self, time: datetime.time) -> bytes: "Encodes datetime.time with tzinfo into internal format for TIME WITH TIMEZONE." tzname = getattr(time.tzinfo, '_timezone_', None) if not tzname: raise InterfaceError("Time timezone not set or does not have a name") self.str_buf.value = tzname.encode() memset(self.time_tz, 0, 8) # procedure encodeTimeTz(this: IUtil; status: IStatus; timeTz: ISC_TIME_TZPtr; # hours: Cardinal; minutes: Cardinal; seconds: Cardinal; # fractions: Cardinal; timeZone: PAnsiChar) self.vtable.encodeTimeTz(self, self.status, cast(self.time_tz, a.ISC_TIME_TZ_PTR), time.hour, time.minute, time.second, time.microsecond // 100, self.str_buf) self._check() return self.time_tz.raw
[docs] def encode_timestamp_tz(self, timestamp: datetime.datetime) -> bytes: "Encodes datetime.datetime with tzinfo into internal format for TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE." tzname = getattr(timestamp.tzinfo, '_timezone_', None) if not tzname: raise InterfaceError("Datetime timezone not set or does not have a name") self.str_buf.value = tzname.encode() memset(self.timestamp_tz, 0, 12) # procedure encodeTimeStampTz(this: IUtil; status: IStatus; timeStampTz: ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZPtr; # year: Cardinal; month: Cardinal; day: Cardinal; # hours: Cardinal; minutes: Cardinal; seconds: Cardinal; # fractions: Cardinal; timeZone: PAnsiChar) self.vtable.encodeTimeStampTz(self, self.status, cast(self.timestamp_tz, a.ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ_PTR), timestamp.year, timestamp.month,, timestamp.hour, timestamp.minute, timestamp.second, timestamp.microsecond // 100, self.str_buf) self._check() return self.timestamp_tz.raw
[docs] def get_int128(self) -> iInt128: "Returns iInt128 interface." result = self.vtable.getInt128(self, self.status) self._check() return iInt128(result)
[docs] def decode_time_tz_ex(self, timetz: a.ISC_TIME_TZ_EX, hours: a.Cardinal, minutes: a.Cardinal, seconds: a.Cardinal, fractions: a.Cardinal, zone_bufer: bytes): "TODO" # procedure decodeTimeTzEx(this: IUtil; status: IStatus; timeTz: ISC_TIME_TZ_EXPtr; # hours: CardinalPtr; minutes: CardinalPtr; seconds: CardinalPtr; # fractions: CardinalPtr; timeZoneBufferLength: Cardinal; # timeZoneBuffer: PAnsiChar) self.vtable.decodeTimeTzEx(self, self.status, byref(timetz), byref(hours), byref(minutes), byref(seconds), byref(fractions), len(zone_bufer), zone_bufer) self._check()
[docs] def decode_timestamp_tz_ex(self, timestamptz: a.ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ_EX, year: a.Cardinal, month: a.Cardinal, day: a.Cardinal, hours: a.Cardinal, minutes: a.Cardinal, seconds: a.Cardinal, fractions: a.Cardinal, zone_bufer: bytes): "TODO" # procedure decodeTimeStampTzEx(this: IUtil; status: IStatus; timeStampTz: ISC_TIMESTAMP_TZ_EXPtr; # year: CardinalPtr; month: CardinalPtr; day: CardinalPtr; # hours: CardinalPtr; minutes: CardinalPtr; # seconds: CardinalPtr; fractions: CardinalPtr; # timeZoneBufferLength: Cardinal; timeZoneBuffer: PAnsiChar) self.vtable.decodeTimeStampTzEx(self, self.status, byref(timestamptz), byref(year), byref(month), byref(day), byref(hours), byref(minutes), byref(seconds), byref(fractions), len(zone_bufer), zone_bufer) self._check()
# IDecFloat16(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iDecFloat16(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IDecFloat16 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2 BCD_SIZE = 16 STR_SIZE = 24 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) self.sign = a.Int(0) self.exp = a.Int(0) self.bcd = create_string_buffer(self.STR_SIZE) self.str_buf = create_string_buffer(self.STR_SIZE)
[docs] def to_bcd(self, value: a.FB_DEC16) -> BCD: "Convert decimal float value to BCD" # procedure toBcd(this: IDecFloat16; from: FB_DEC16Ptr; sign: IntegerPtr; bcd: BytePtr; exp: IntegerPtr) self.sign.value = 0 self.exp.value = 0 memset(self.bcd, 0, self.BCD_SIZE) self.vtable.toBcd(self, byref(value), byref(self.sign), self.bcd, byref(self.exp)) return BCD(self.sign.value, self.bcd.value, self.exp.value)
[docs] def to_str(self, value: a.FB_DEC16) -> str: "Convert decimal float value to string" # procedure toString(this: IDecFloat16; status: IStatus; from: FB_DEC16Ptr; bufferLength: Cardinal; buffer: PAnsiChar) memset(self.str_buf, 0, self.STR_SIZE) self.vtable.toString(self, self.status, byref(value), self.STR_SIZE, self.str_buf) self._check() return self.str_buf.value.decode()
[docs] def from_bcd(self, value: BCD, into: a.FB_DEC16=None) -> a.FB_DEC16: "Make decimal float value from BCD" # procedure fromBcd(this: IDecFloat16; sign: Integer; bcd: BytePtr; exp: Integer; to_: FB_DEC16Ptr) result = a.FB_DEC16(0) if into is None else into self.vtable.fromBcd(self, value.sign, value.number, value.exp, byref(result)) return result
[docs] def from_str(self, value: str, into: a.FB_DEC16=None) -> a.FB_DEC16: "Make decimal float value from string" # procedure fromString(this: IDecFloat16; status: IStatus; from: PAnsiChar; to_: FB_DEC16Ptr) result = a.FB_DEC16(0) if into is None else into self.vtable.fromString(self, self.status, value.encode(), byref(result)) self._check() return result
# IDecFloat34(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iDecFloat34(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IDecFloat34 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2 BCD_SIZE = 34 STR_SIZE = 43 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) self.sign = a.Int(0) self.exp = a.Int(0) self.bcd = create_string_buffer(self.STR_SIZE) self.str_buf = create_string_buffer(self.STR_SIZE)
[docs] def to_bcd(self, value: a.FB_DEC34) -> BCD: "Convert decimal float value to BCD" # procedure toBcd(this: IDecFloat34; from: FB_DEC34Ptr; sign: IntegerPtr; bcd: BytePtr; exp: IntegerPtr) self.sign.value = 0 self.exp.value = 0 memset(self.bcd, 0, self.BCD_SIZE) self.vtable.toBcd(self, byref(value), byref(self.sign), self.bcd, byref(self.exp)) return BCD(self.sign.value, self.bcd.value, self.exp.value)
[docs] def to_str(self, value: a.FB_DEC34) -> str: "Convert decimal float value to string" # procedure toString(this: IDecFloat34; status: IStatus; from: FB_DEC34Ptr; bufferLength: Cardinal; buffer: PAnsiChar) memset(self.str_buf, 0, self.STR_SIZE) self.vtable.toString(self, self.status, byref(value), self.STR_SIZE, self.str_buf) self._check() return self.str_buf.value.decode()
[docs] def from_bcd(self, value: BCD, into: a.FB_DEC34=None) -> a.FB_DEC34: "Make decimal float value from BCD" # procedure fromBcd(this: IDecFloat34; sign: Integer; bcd: BytePtr; exp: Integer; to_: FB_DEC34Ptr) result = a.FB_DEC34(0) if into is None else into self.vtable.fromBcd(self, value.sign, value.number, value.exp, byref(result)) return result
[docs] def from_str(self, value: str, into: a.FB_DEC34=None) -> a.FB_DEC34: "Make decimal float value from string" # procedure fromString(this: IDecFloat34; status: IStatus; from: PAnsiChar; to_: FB_DEC34Ptr) result = a.FB_DEC34(0) if into is None else into self.vtable.fromString(self, self.status, value.encode(), byref(result)) self._check() return result
# IInt128(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iInt128(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IInt128 interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2 STR_SIZE = 46 def __init__(self, intf): super().__init__(intf) self.str_buf = create_string_buffer(self.STR_SIZE)
[docs] def to_str(self, value: a.FB_I128, scale: int) -> str: "Converts INT128 to string" # procedure toString(this: IInt128; status: IStatus; from: FB_I128Ptr; scale: Integer; bufferLength: Cardinal; buffer: PAnsiChar) memset(self.str_buf, 0, self.STR_SIZE) self.vtable.toString(self, self.status, byref(value), scale, self.STR_SIZE, self.str_buf) self._check() return self.str_buf.value.decode()
[docs] def from_str(self, value: str, scale: int, into: a.FB_I128=None) -> a.FB_I128: "Converts string to INT128" # procedure fromString(this: IInt128; status: IStatus; scale: Integer; from: PAnsiChar; to_: FB_I128Ptr) result = a.FB_I128(0) if into is None else into self.vtable.fromString(self, self.status, scale, value.encode(), byref(result)) self._check() return result
# IMaster(2) : Versioned
[docs] class iMaster(iVersioned): "Class that wraps IMaster interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2
[docs] def get_status(self) -> iStatus: "Get instance if `iStatus` interface." return iStatus(self.vtable.getStatus(self))
[docs] def get_dispatcher(self) -> iProvider: "Get instance of `iProvider` interface, implemented by yValve (main provider instance)." return iProvider(self.vtable.getDispatcher(self))
[docs] def get_plugin_manager(self) -> iPluginManager: "Get instance of `iPluginManager` interface." return iPluginManager(self.vtable.getPluginManager(self))
[docs] def get_timer_control(self) -> iTimerControl: "Get instance of `iTimerControl` interface." return iTimerControl(self.vtable.getTimerControl(self))
[docs] def get_dtc(self) -> iDtc: "Get instance of `iDtc` interface." return iDtc(self.vtable.getDtc(self))
[docs] def register_attachment(self, provider: iProvider, attachment: iAttachment) -> iAttachment: "Information not available" return iAttachment(self.vtable.registerAttachment(self, provider, attachment))
[docs] def register_transaction(self, attachment: iAttachment, transaction: iTransaction) -> iTransaction: "Information not available" return iTransaction(self.vtable.registerTransaction(self, attachment, transaction))
[docs] def get_metadata_builder(self, fieldCount: int) -> iMetadataBuilder: "Get instance of `iMetadataBuilder` interface." if self.status is None: self.status = self.get_status() result = self.vtable.getMetadataBuilder(self, self.status, fieldCount) self._check() return iMetadataBuilder(result)
[docs] def server_mode(self, mode: int) -> int: "Information not available" return self.vtable.serverMode(self, mode).value
[docs] def get_util_interface(self) -> iUtil: "Get instance of `iUtil` interface." return iUtil(self.vtable.getUtilInterface(self))
[docs] def get_config_manager(self) -> iConfigManager: "Get instance of `iConfigManager` interface." return iConfigManager(self.vtable.getConfigManager(self))
[docs] def get_process_exiting(self) -> bool: "Information not available" return self.vtable.getProcessExiting(self).value
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Interface implementations # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class iVersionedImpl: "Base class for objects that implement IVersioned interface" VERSION = 1 def __init__(self): vt, vt_p, intf_s, intf = self._get_intf() self.__vtable = vt() self.__intf = intf_s(vtable=vt_p(self.__vtable)) self._as_parameter_ = intf(self.__intf) self.vtable.version = c_ulong(self.VERSION) def _get_intf(self): return (a.IVersioned_VTable, a.IVersioned_VTablePtr, a.IVersioned_struct, a.IVersioned) vtable = property(lambda self: self._as_parameter_.contents.vtable.contents)
[docs] class iReferenceCountedImpl(iVersionedImpl): "IReferenceCounted interface wrapper" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.addRef = a.IReferenceCounted_addRef(self.add_ref) self.vtable.release = a.IReferenceCounted_release(self.release) def _get_intf(self): return (a.IReferenceCounted_VTable, a.IReferenceCounted_VTablePtr, a.IReferenceCounted_struct, a.IReferenceCounted)
[docs] def add_ref(self) -> None: "Increase the reference by one"
[docs] def release(self) -> int: "Decrease the reference by one"
[docs] class iDisposableImpl(iVersionedImpl): "IDisposable interface wrapper" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.dispose = a.IDisposable_dispose(self.dispose) def _get_intf(self): return (a.IDisposable_VTable, a.IDisposable_VTablePtr, a.IDisposable_struct, a.IDisposable)
[docs] def dispose(self) -> None: "Dispose the interfaced object"
[docs] class iVersionCallbackImpl(iVersionedImpl): "Class that wraps IVersionCallback interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.callback = a.IVersionCallback_callback(self.__callback) def _get_intf(self): return (a.IVersionCallback_VTable, a.IVersionCallback_VTablePtr, a.IVersionCallback_struct, a.IVersionCallback) def __callback(self, this: a.IVersionCallback, status: a.IStatus, text: c_char_p): # pylint: disable=W0613 with suppress(Exception): self.callback(text.decode())
[docs] def callback(self, text: str) -> None: "Method called by engine"
[docs] class iCryptKeyCallbackImpl(iVersionedImpl): "Class that wraps ICryptKeyCallback interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.callback = a.ICryptKeyCallback_callback(self.__callback) def _get_intf(self): return (a.ICryptKeyCallback_VTable, a.ICryptKeyCallback_VTablePtr, a.ICryptKeyCallback_struct, a.ICryptKeyCallback) def __callback(self, this: a.ICryptKeyCallback, data_length: a.Cardinal, data: c_void_p, # pylint: disable=W0613 buffer_length: a.Cardinal, buffer: c_void_p) -> a.Cardinal: with suppress(Exception): key = self.get_crypt_key(data[:data_length], buffer_length) key_size = min(len(key), buffer_length) memmove(buffer, key, key_size) return key_size
[docs] def get_crypt_key(self, data: bytes, max_key_size: int) -> bytes: # pylint: disable=W0613 "Should return crypt key" return b''
[docs] class iOffsetsCallbackImp(iVersionedImpl): "Class that wraps IOffsetsCallback interface for use from Python" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.callback = a.IVersionCallback_callback(self.__callback) def _get_intf(self): return (a.IOffsetsCallback_VTable, a.IOffsetsCallback_VTablePtr, a.IOffsetsCallback_struct, a.IOffsetsCallback) def __callback(self, this: a.IOffsetsCallback, status: a.IStatus, index: a.Cardinal, # pylint: disable=W0613 offset: a.Cardinal, nullOffset: a.Cardinal) -> None: with suppress(Exception): self.set_offset(index, offset, nullOffset)
[docs] def set_offset(self, index: int, offset: int, nullOffset: int) -> None: "Method called by engine"
[docs] class iEventCallbackImpl(iReferenceCountedImpl): "IEventCallback interface wrapper" VERSION = 3 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.eventCallbackFunction = a.IEventCallback_eventCallbackFunction(self.__callback) def _get_intf(self): return (a.IEventCallback_VTable, a.IEventCallback_VTablePtr, a.IEventCallback_struct, a.IEventCallback) def __callback(self, this: a.IVersionCallback, length: a.Cardinal, events: a.BytePtr) -> None: # pylint: disable=W0613 with suppress(Exception): self.events_arrived(string_at(events, length))
[docs] def events_arrived(self, events: bytes) -> None: "Method called by engine"
[docs] class iTimerImpl(iReferenceCountedImpl): "Class that wraps ITimer interface for use from Python" VERSION = 3 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.vtable.handler = a.ITimer_handler(self.__callback) def _get_intf(self): return (a.ITimer_VTable, a.ITimer_VTablePtr, a.ITimer_struct, a.ITimer) def __callback(self, this: a.ITimer) -> None: # pylint: disable=W0613 with suppress(Exception): self.handler()
[docs] def handler(self) -> None: "Timer callback handler"
# API_LOADED hook def __augment_api(api: a.FirebirdAPI) -> None: def wrap(result, func=None, arguments=None) -> iMaster: # pylint: disable=W0613 return iMaster(result) api.fb_get_master_interface.errcheck = wrap setattr(sys.modules[__name__], '_master', api.fb_get_master_interface()) setattr(sys.modules[__name__], '_util', _master.get_util_interface()) api.master: iMaster = _master api.util: iUtil = _util add_hook(APIHook.LOADED, a.FirebirdAPI, __augment_api)